Creating 'Happy Athletes' to ensure the maximum result!

To train a horse in the best possible way, all circumstances need to be optimal. A horse should be a ‘happy athlete’ to achieve its best performance. This starts with their teeth, which should be in good condition in order for the horse to digest its food properly and accept the bit more easily. The feet must be well maintained as well, so nothing obstructs the horses' movement. Furthermore, feeding high quality roughage and pellets contributes to their general condition, which needs to be excellent. When required, the horses are supplied with extra minerals and vitamins. In order to maintain a good balance between work and relaxation, we put the horses out frequently in paddocks or meadows.

Het creëren van 'Happy Athletes' zorgt voor het hoogst haalbare succes!

Preparing for an approval

An approval is a snapshot whereby everything should be perfect. During the training towards the approval, we don't take anything for granted or leave anything to chance. When the horse feels comfortable and ready to be trained, we will prepare the training schedule in such a way that the horse can show its quality at the right moment.

Learn more about training for approvals and breaking in

Breaking horses in with patience and trust

Breaking a horse in is an important moment in the horse's life. In the interest of the horse and the rest of its career, it's important to do this with trust and patience. We don't break horses in the old fashion "cowboy" way. We brok already many horses in, in a comfortable way.

After this is achieved with the horse, one of our experienced riders continues the horse's training in preparation for shows. These sophisticated riders prepare the stallions and mares perfectly well for the performance test and/or ibop-/eptm test.

Met beleid en vertrouwen zadelmak maken

"The focus is on the optimal care for the horse"

Breaking in

With much patience and trust, we break your horse in and continue its training for you to enjoy your horse the most at home.

Preparing for an approval

We train your mare or stallion in preparation for the approval season and make sure that they are as ready as never before at their moment to shine.

Preparing for a performance test

In cooperation with several experienced riders we are able to continue your horse's training under the saddle.

Pricelist 2024


42 spacious light stables with 4 hectares of fields and all the necessary facilities.

Our stallions